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FSS-IMU614E-AG Single Antenna Integrated Navigation Module

Introduction IMU614E-AG Inertial Module uses data fusion algorithm of IMU and GNSS to achieve low cost, high precision, anti-magnetic interference orientation and attitude determination.
Volume 17x14.7x3.2mm
Weight 2g
Application field Single antenna controller scheme in the field of agricultural auto-driving
Product features low cost, high precision and anti-magnetic interference attitude measurement and orientation through data fusion algorithm of IMU and GNSS
Software interface TTL; I²C; SPI
Hardware interface Soilder pins
DetailTechnical IndexDownloadHardware and Structu

IMU614E_AG Inertial Module

The IMU614E_AG is equipped with the data fusion algorithms of IMU and GNSS, enabling low_cost, high_precision, anti_magnetic interference and attitude measurement. It is specially applied in the single-antenna controllers in the field of agricultural autopilot.

Performance Index

Attitude Accuracy   

Roll/Pitch :<0.2° rms

Heading:<0.3° rms

Update rate   100 Hz

Gyro Range   ±500°/s

Gyro Bias instability   3.0 deg/h @1σ

Accelerometer range   ±6g

Zero Bias Stability of Accelerometers   0.05 mg @1σ

Output Protocol

  • Notes:The accumulative sum check removes the sum of all bytes of the check bits for this frame.

  • The accumulative sum check removes the sum of all bytes of the check bits for this frame.

  • The frame length is the total number of data bytes except for the header, frame ID, frame length, and check bits.

  • Small end mode, send low bytes first.

Input Protocol

  • It is recommended to send at least 20Hz.If the user does not need the front wheel angle, there is no need to send the motor angle and the transmission ratio.

  • The accumulative sum check removes the sum of all bytes of the check bits for this frame.

  • The frame length is the total number of data bytes except for the header, frame ID, frame length, and check bits.

  • Small end mode, send low bytes first.

The IMU614E-AG is equipped with the data fusion algorithms of IMU and GNSS, enabling low-cost, high-precision, anti-magnetic interference and attitude measurement. It is specially applied in the single-antenna controllers in the field of agricultural autopilot.

Performance Indicators

Attitude Accuracy



(Vehicle speed>1km/h, Ackermann steering mechanism in vehicles)

Update Rate

100 Hz

Gyroscope Measurement Range


Gyroscope Bias Instability

3°/h @25℃,ALLAN Variance, 1σ


Measurement Range



Bias Instability

40μg @25℃,ALLAN Variance, 1σ


External Structure

Outline Structure and Dimensions (unit: mm)

ch2 图3-2 外形结构及尺寸.jpg

ch2 图3-1 外形结构及尺寸.jpg