Revolutionary breakthrough,shock release,MEMS North seeking IMU!

2020-04-09 20:48 FORSENSE

North seeking, determining the true north direction of thecarrier location, has always been an important topic in various engineeringfields.

There are many kinds of north seeking equipment andmethods, among which MEMS gyroscope has been a hot spot in the industry becauseof its wide application field and difficult technology.

It has a wide range of applications, which isdetermined by the characteristics of MEMS gyroscope. Nowadays, the corecomponents of the mainstream north seeking equipment in the market are usuallydynamically tuned gyroscope or fiber optic gyroscope.The measurementaccuracy of the two gyroscopes is strongly related to the volume, which limitstheir application scenarios first. By contrast, the size of gyroscope is small,and the measurement accuracy is not related to the volume, so it has a greatadvantage in the field of equipment volume requirements.

Secondly, the manufacturing process of dynamicallytuned gyroscope is complex, the internal mechanical structure is precise andeasy to be damaged, and it is always facing the risk of damage under strongvibration and impact conditions. Fiber optic gyroscope is greatly affected bytemperature because of the nature of the fiber itself, and it is difficult tobring its performance advantage into play under the conditions of largetemperature difference or extreme temperature. In contrast, the MEMS gyroscope,which is strongly resistant to shocks and vibrations and insensitive totemperature, has an absolute advantage in working condition tolerance. Therefore,in terms of application width, the MEMS gyroscope is superior to the opticalfiber and the dynamically tuned gyroscope.

However, due to the lack of chip manufacturingcapacity in China, almost all high-precision MEMS gyroscopes of strategic andtactical level are produced by foreign companies, and some MEMS gyroscopessuitable for north seeking are basically banned or monopolized. At the sametime, there are great technical difficulties and bottlenecks to improve theaccuracy of MEMS gyroscope through calibration and compensation methods, sothere are few MEMS gyroscope products in the domestic market for north seeking.

The NS series high costperformance MEMS north seeking gyroscope of Forsense has made a revolutionarybreakthrough in this obstacle!

Forsene focusing on the R & Dand production of MEMS inertial sensors. Its core technology team has beendeeply engaged in the field of MEMS inertial sensors for a long time,especially in the calibration and compensation technology of MEMS inertialsensors, and has accumulated rich engineering experience, thus launching theepoch-making MEMS north seeking gyroscope series products!

Thanks to the original corealgorithm, this product makes a breakthrough to make the industrial / consumerMEMS devices reach the tactical level of performance! The north seekingaccuracy of the product reaches 1.5° of industriallevel, the bias stability of the gyro reaches 0.2 ° /H of tactical levelstandard, and the low noise is comparable to that of fiber optic gyroscope.Moreover, its ultra small volume and stable output characteristics in fulltemperature range enable it to play freely in various fields.

It can be said that the   MEMS north seeking gyroscope of Forsense has broken the foreign monopoly barrier of high-performance MEMS gyroscope, and hasrealized the engineering application of MEMS gyroscope north finding by leapsand bounds, which has epoch-making significance for the localizationsubstitution of high demand fields in China and the north finding applicationof MEMS gyroscope!

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